If you’ve got a levy against you, it simply means that the IRS is going to collect the money they are owed via any means neccesary, regardless of your ability to pay. This can be a scary situation and if you’re in this boat you will probably want to consult with a lawyer.
Unfiled Tax ReturnsJuly 5th, 2017
Tax LeviesJuly 5th, 2017
Tax EvasionJuly 5th, 2017
Tax LienJuly 5th, 2017
IRS AuditsJuly 5th, 2017
Tax History in the USJuly 6th, 2017
Getting A WillJuly 6th, 2017
Are You Insured?July 5th, 2017
IRS AuditsJuly 5th, 2017
Tax LienJuly 5th, 2017