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Tax History in the US

The United States has a unique history with taxes. It was founded because the people were sick of being taxed for things without having any sort of representation in the government, so of course you can imagine that the founders of our nation were pretty wary about putting too many taxes on things. This is [...]

By | July 6th, 2017|Blog|Comments Off on Tax History in the US

Getting A Will

Getting a will might sounds scary, and you might even think that it is not for people like you if you are on the younger side, however, having a will is always a good idea. Even if you only have a few thousand dollars in your savings account or no savings but a few nice [...]

By | July 6th, 2017|Blog|Comments Off on Getting A Will

Are You Insured?

As a tax lawyer, I deal with a lot of people who are simply worried about providing for themselves and their families. They want to make sure they are paying the right amount of taxes, and to make sure they are going to be able to continue to provide for their families. One thing that [...]

By | July 5th, 2017|Blog|Comments Off on Are You Insured?

IRS Audits

An IRS Audit is a scary thing. Sometimes they are just randomly generated by the agency, other times there may be a red flag in your return that sets them off. Most people who get audited feel more comfortable when a tax lawyer is on their side to help them sort everything out.

By | July 5th, 2017|Common Tax Problems Defined|Comments Off on IRS Audits

Tax Lien

A tax lien is when the IRS takes a stake of your property until your debts are payed. It is definitely scary but it is not the same as a tax levy, in which the IRS takes what they are owed by any means neccesary. Either situation is definitely stressful.

By | July 5th, 2017|Common Tax Problems Defined|Comments Off on Tax Lien

Tax Evasion

Tax evasion is defined as exactly what it sounds like. It means that you have avoided paying your taxes. There is something called tax avoidance which is actually legal, but complete evasion will get you into trouble and might even send you to jail. If you are in a situation involving tax evasion, you want [...]

By | July 5th, 2017|Common Tax Problems Defined|Comments Off on Tax Evasion

Tax Levies

If you've got a levy against you, it simply means that the IRS is going to collect the money they are owed via any means neccesary, regardless of your ability to pay. This can be a scary situation and if you're in this boat you will probably want to consult with a lawyer.

By | July 5th, 2017|Common Tax Problems Defined|Comments Off on Tax Levies

Unfiled Tax Returns

This is a pretty simple problem to define. An unfiled tax return is simply defined as when people haven't filed their taxes and they need to. This can cause some problems for obvious reasons, but if you've got some unfiled returns, that is something I can help with. Some people think it's a good idea [...]

By | July 5th, 2017|Common Tax Problems Defined|Comments Off on Unfiled Tax Returns